Lake Garda and its surrounding villages and landscapes present infinite beauty and culture.

The mild, Mediterranean climate allows for lush vegetation almost year-round. From the bright Bougainvillea of Sirmione to the inviting warm colors of olive groves and vineyards in and around the hills. Further North, the vibrant color of the lemons contrast beautifully with the crystal blue waters of the lake, sending a romantic invitation to discover our area.

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The pandemic has undeniably changed our daily lives, but we still strongly believe in the value of the travel experiences we have been offering for many years. Travel is a big part of our lives: of sociality, of work, of pleasure. For this reason, your health comes first, and in this particular moment of emergency our attention and commitment are even higher.

First of all, we prefer outdoor trips in natural environments, but in all cases we strive to always provide you with a safe situation whether it is a day trip or a multi-day tour, whether in a natural environment or indoors.

Regarding 2021 programming, we have partnered with trusted vendors and facilities that are attentive to current Covid 19 regulations:

  • regarding to all Means of Transport (Bus, Van, Bike, Helicopter, Motorboat) that will be used in our excursions or tours we guarantee that all vehicles have been adapted to the new health safety standards to be able to offer safe services, with sanitized vehicles (with specific ozone sanitizing machines). Also on board will be scrupulously applied rules such as measuring the temperature and the use of face mask;
  • all hotels, restaurants, wineries selected for these tours welcomes its guests in a safe environment, respecting all health requirements to guarantee them a secure stay (both from the point of view of health and psychophysical);
  • to respect social distancing our proposals have a maximum limit of participants in compliance with the protocol Covid 19;

 To limit the risks of getting COVID-19 follow these basic precautions:

Stay at least 1 metre away from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick;
Wear a mask, especially when you can’t physically distance;
Open windows when indoors to increase the amount of outdoor air;
frequently clean your hands with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. If you can, carry alcohol-based rub with you and use it often;
Avoid touching surfaces, especially in public settings, because someone with COVID-19 could have touched them before;
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a bent elbow or tissue, throwing used tissues into a closed bin right away. Then wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand rub.

Not only Lake Garda

Not only Lake Garda

LakeGardaTours is also a travel agency and tour operator. Our travel itineraries are grounded in our philosophy to bring attention to slow tourism, highlighting out of the way places all while being respectful to the environment.

We don’t propose a simple holiday, but a journey into the real Italy, not just the tourist locations highlighted by most travel agencies. We give attention to lesser-known regions and areas of Italy like Abruzzo and Molise. Sparse geographical areas in Central Italy including the Cimini mountains and the Sibillini Mountain National Park. Let us help you to discover the primitive lands of the Etruscans in Lazio and the splendid hills of Umbria and Marche. Further south, we encounter the ancient areas of Basilicata and Salento.

Regardless of where we take you, you’ll experience local culture, art and traditions; uncrowded places with breathtaking views less famous and far away from mass tourism.